“Anyone can develop Deep Vein Thrombosis,” says James D. Albert, MD, Founder and Chief Physician of Albert Vein Institute. “Risk factors include any circumstance where decreased mobilization or traumatic injury occurs. Examples include general anesthesia and prolonged air or car travel. Surgical procedures, such as knee, hip or foot surgery, are also risk factors as they result in tissue injury and prolonged immobilization of the leg. Knee braces or ankle boots, used after surgery, are also frequently used after traumatic lower extremity injury that may not require surgery but need immobilization for healing. Post-surgical or posttraumatic pain from the aforementioned may mask the pain caused by the DVT, and braces or casts may visually obscure the leg swelling.” Dr. Albert says patients need to pay close attention in these situations, to watch for symptom changes and be ready to go in for an accurate venous ultrasound exam to determine the presence or absence of DVT.